Saturday, November 21, 2009

last day of school ;) 20112009

pada mulanya x nk ltk kat, kakak suruh..ltk jelh xde pics lah! ngee :D


lalalalatk de kerja. im bored to death. ive got ntg to do..jd..buat ni jelah.. pelik.ptot update kat ni mcm remeh je.. jd..ber'bulletin' je lh..

umm.. smlm.. tp consider mcm ari ni yerk..ak akan gune 'tadi' gantikan 'smlm' :)
HAHA! kul 5.30 am (lebih kurang lah, x kan nak tepat lak kan..)bangun..siap2 sume...BLABLABLA... n so on

sampai skula as usual..nmpk FARA n JAJA kat kantin..buat mulut..( long time no seeeeeee) ngee :D
JAJA membuka tirai karangannye dgn persembahan MARI BERCERITA BERSAMA KAK JAJA! sorry JAJA.. thee hehe hee
dye cte pasal akk dye yg baran..lawak! :))

then... AMAL dtg.. tego2...ckp pasal PHOTOSHOP??amende tah..bincang..blablabla...
perkataan yg asyik kuar dr mulut dye ; canderemata mana? aku pon balas lah ; untuk ko, xde..untuk JAJA n FARA je.. ko mmg xde(agaknya, sebab tulah dye asyik tanya jee.. sigh)


jum beratur! lame gle x dtg skolaa... (walau cume 4 ari jee)
time ni yg best nih... sbb pengawas yg duty (nyanyi) mse tu, klakar!lagu apa ea..lupe lah..lagu sejahtera m'sia ot.. x egtlawak gilee..BTOL TAK FARA,JAJA,AMAL,MIRA,DINI, FAZZY???ngehehehe! pecah sore..lawak siot..(ngata org je tahu)

otw nak naik ke klas...
THAMAYANTHI ; ASIMAH, ambil satuu.. sorg ambil satuu.

ASIMAH ; apa ni? eh2! hadiah untuk saya ke?! haha! trimas2! (4 every1 actually... )

dgn x sabarnye.. bukak ttengah jln tu..cyan org blkg..tunggu lame..mcm highway yg jam pulak..haha!roti dan jam!
right after bukak wraper tu

ASIMAH ; eh? warna pink? alaaa... bukan taste i warna pink(cara gedik haha!)xde warna lain ke?

THAMAYANTHI ; sume org dah ambill.. (tulah psal..byk ari x dtg)

pabila MEI YEE dtg mencelah

MEI YEE ; haha! saya dpt warna biru! (biru?! kegemaran aku!!)

ASIMAH ; alaaa!! nak!!

MEI YEE ; gambar HELLO KITTY maaa...

ASIMAH ; oh..yeke? xpe lh..awk simpan je lh. ( :D )

teruskan pjlnn ke klas... setelah berehat sebentar bersama kitkat di R N R.sampai kelas..

sesi bertukar cenderamata.. antara FARA n aku
aku dpt muzik..haha! yeah! tradisional sungguh yeah! n a keychainyeah! setakat ni..beg musuh (MU) musuh ak dah banyak dengan keychain kurakura, matahari, botol( FARA ) , alat muzik (AMIRAH MIOR akak aku lah)..

then..cte2.. pasal kat naik plane sbb dpt tgk awan tu..terbias dgn cahaya matahari..yg x bestnye bosan je duduk dlm tu..lelama tdo..(satu row kerusi tu..ak yg conquer!hahaha!! sebelum akak ak MENYIBUK!!!)


apsal tetiba msok bab aeroplane nih? haha!

oke2..then..kasi keychain kat mereka... umm..sorry kawan ; x tau pe nk jelah.. :D

ummm.. ag satu..ak x jlnkn tugas ak pada hari tu..HANTAR KEHADIRAN PELAJAR!!! siot...ala..x pe.. pn zizah pon x dtg..(bekas nasi impit kat ckgu lahh!!!)


rajenkan diri time! (gotong royong) faizah soh ak pilih org tolong dye kat bengkel..ak pilih kawan2 aku..

umm..bersihkan2...pastu..g bengkel kayu..
haha!! cerita da mulee...AKU n FARA buli MELAH!
haha! kami pangil dia MELAH...dye x suke.. bhahahaha!dpn ckgu pulak tu kami pggil dye mcm tuu..ckgu sengeh jepp

pastu..kami kurung DINI, MELAH, FAZZY dlm bengkel kayu..korang bayangkan, dh lh berhabuk..kami kurung mereka! haha! sorry guys!!
ble ckgu tanya,

PN FAIZAH ; apsal tutp sume pintu nih?

KAMI ; dorg yg nak ckgu... HAHAHAHA!!

kami dengan muka x malunye..on je radio zaman ble tu sesedap hati! haha!!PN FAIZAH tegur kami

PN FAIZAH ; miss yeoh..

kami enjoy je dgr radio...kawan2 yg kne kurung..biakan jee..haha! kejam kn? ngeee :D xpe..last skola maa..

umm..pastu kami rileks je..bce novel..sembang2..then..PN FAIZAH suruh bukak pintu..(selamat si MELAH)hahahaa!

AKU ; ckgu, da settled ke sumenye ckgu?atau nk tulun pape ag?

PN FAIZAH ; haa...ada ag 1 je ag...type untuk ckgu (ak yg plg cepat type..chewah!!!haha! )

AKU ; ah..boleh gak ckgu...

PN FAIZAH ; on computer tu,.

sementara tu...

FARA ; cmah, ada internet x? (internet je tau..haha!)

AKU ; ntah lah FARA.. nanti kite check

tup2..xde internet..kecewa lah hatiiii...
thenn...type type type type.. settled!
yeah! x dgr kee??


kul 12.20 (ag spoloh minit balikk)

MELAH ; weh korang... dah kul 12.20 dah.. patut kul 12.00 tggu kat volleyball authar soh..
tp..bese r.. bukan AKU n FARA namanya alo x langgar peraturan sekolah (bkan peraturan besar r.kecik jee)
kami wat bodo..last2kene g gak volleyball court.. adess.. tp..AKU skali ag.. ngn MELAH buat bodoh ag.. g bilik guru..
(pengawas sibuk je tye..kemana tu?kemana tu?..ish..taulah AKU ni femes.. adess)

ummm..abes skola!! rindu kawan2! bsan kat umah.. nak g skola

time balik tu..ak berdoa ( janganlah bas [SRI RAM] tinggalkan aku)

tup2..bas sampai! alhamdulillah..bas x tinggalkan aku..ak sorg je ke naik bas ri ni? siot..aah! ak sorg je..(bg skola ak jelah)

ak msok dlm SRI RAM, tgk..dak skola rendah je ada... ACS dak2 cine tu lh..yg ske tdo 2..

MGS pon sme.. dak2 sola rendah..cine 2 org n myu sorg..
kesimpulan..ak je bdak menengah...boleh buli je mereka nih..haha!!

ummm..that's all!! skola abes..segala kenangan skola masih tersimpan kemas dlm ingatan! friends, im gonna miss yall!


Friday, September 25, 2009

Raya di Kola Lumpo :D

pgi karaoke.


nyanyi beb!


mls nak type lah..
da pkol 1.26 am
more photos ; visit

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The LAST DAY of Ramadhan :)

lega rasenye da balik umah :)
saya ulangi
tulah akibatnye...
uat semua last minute
umah pon x kmas ag..
okey...tibe part sayuuu(bagi aku jep)
time on d way nak g bli kueh raya....
lalu kat masjid..
ayah bukak cermin kete
dgr takbir raya
rindu sgt ramadhan
cannot describe the feeling
pasang radio..
x egt fm apa
dgr arwah ustaz asri bertakbir
sedap sgt...
and here comes the boring part
dgr pm ke 6 kte berucap...
saya rindu ramadhan
rindu rindu rindu sangat!!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Rindu Ramadhan


syawal bakal tibe..

ntah..sayu je ramadhan

ag2 bile kwn kata ;

amalina: esok last puasa kat skola... dtg skola nak?

asimah baik!: wajib(rasa mcm betul2 kehilangan ramadhan) yg lebih x seronok, dis year x byk uat terawih :((
bye ramadhan
hello syawal
hello PMR (terketar-ketar)
wish me luck
doakan saya agar dpt 7As dan 8As
sayang ramadhan; sayang korang!
bye ramadhan :(

terasa jauh di sudut aty ak


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Bencinya!!! Sakit Hati!!!

ak x ske adik aku!
yg mane ag...
yang bernama Mior Ahmad Azam
btol ckp nina...
buang je adik mcm tu tepi jln!
baru puas hati
xsuka ada adik mcm tu!!!!!!!
rasa nak jerit je!!!
benci adik aku!!!
sapa nak dye!!!
kasi freee!!!!!
sakit hati!!!
aku suro senyap dye x nk...
suro dye benti wat mende x bfaedah dye x nak!!
sakit hati!!
sabar simah
bulan pose..
bulan keberkatan
ya Allah,
sabarkan hatiku!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Motivasi Pecutan Akhir PMR

kelakar gilerh!
yg best waktu abg subhan cite kalo dpt 8A...
abg roslan pon best
cyan boss dye..kene kutuk
dpn2 pulak tuh
mmg byk ilmu dpt.
dah jumpe dah keyakinan diri aku sekarang
aku nak kongsi dengan korang mengenai apa yg dyorg kasi...
tp pnjg sgt.
sape yg skola same(yg x pergi jep)
bolehlah ak kasi kertas tu
mmg best motivasi tuh.
sape yg nak amek pmr...
pergi r motivasi tuh
(bpe ali nak ulang ayat best)-_-
guess what...
aku jumpe kawan tuisyen aku!
da lame x jumpe
hampir sebulan
aku jumpe jgak kawan segrup ngan ak mse kat bengkel berita harian!
jmpe kat tandas.haha
dye pun ikuti motivasi tuh
lgi satu,
jumpe kwn kepada kawan baik ak(yg x jumpe slama hampir 3 tahun)
thx to that motivasi
memang best
mmg x sgke jumpe kwn. sob2
kpd yg nak graf bile otak berfungsi dengan lebih baik(untuk belajar)
ni email gua (nak promote sebenor-benornye)
sorry, no photos 4 this post ( again)
bye ;)
P/S: lembu x minum susu, lembu minum air. haha! faham2 je. aku memang nak ckp air, tp x yakin. and that motivasi rebuild my confidence :D

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Nurul A'simah baik!

It's all about me!

14th October 1994.The day I met the worldfo the first time. I opened my eyes. Where am I? I started crying.Suddenly, I saw a few people in white clean uniform. Once again, where am I? I felt very scared. Then, I felt like someone trying to support me. I recognized her. It's my mother! I'm vey happy. Now I knew that I'm in a hospital. Ipoh Specialist Hospital, for sure.

Time goes by. It was 1st January 1999. Happy New Year! I was only five years old at that time. I'm going to faced the experience of school. I'm so nervous. There's only four days left for me to enter the kindergarten. four days later, I went to kindergarten with my sister and my father. I felt nervous and at the same time, I felt happy. When the first time I walked into the classroom which beside my sister's clasroom. I'm scared.Then I cried. I wanted to go home. The teachers and friends tried to console me.They were very kind. I stopped crying.Then only I realized, it's very happy being in school. :)

After two years,I went to a school. I'm quite nervous,but study in kindergarten gave me a lot of experience. I studied in Sekolah Kebangsaan Convent, Ipoh.The school was bigger than my kindergarten. I met new friends. I met my old friends whom studied in Tadika Tabina together with me. What a relief! I'm not alone here. I felt very happy.

6 Bestari. That was my class when I'm in year 6. I faced an important exam UPSR. I got 4 A's and 1 B.I felt very sad.I promised my parents that I will achieve 8 A's in my PMR. A year later, I went to a secondary school. I met many new friends there. They're fom S.K. Marian Convent.I entered a class named 1 Rose. I learned new subjects. It's quite difficult.

Few years later. Now I'm in form three.I'm going to face an important exam called PMR. I want to achieve straight A's just like my older sis did last year.Pray for me! :)